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Mums Moss Ginger & Turmeric Sea Moss Gel 550ml

Mums Moss Ginger & Turmeric Sea Moss Gel 550ml

Regular price £19.99
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"I started using this product a few months ago, I have more energy my hair is better my skin is better my digestive system has a cycle lol, and most importantly it smells and taste good" - Celia Power

Sea Moss contains 92 out of the 102 essential nutrients that a body needs, there is no surprise that Sea moss has become extremely popular in the last couple of years, due to its supposed health benefits.

Sea Moss is known for helping the body fight back against everyday ageing, inflammation, weight gain, Skin conditions as well as just increasing your mood. It supposedly makes you just feel rejuvenated overall. 

In addition to the benefits of Sea Moss, Ginger and Turmeric is known for relieving pain, reducing nausea and improving function of the immune system. 

How to Use:

  • Spoonful twice a day (Can take it on its own or mix with food or smoothie)
  • Apply on your skin Once everyday


ALLERGEN Warning: This product does not contain shellfish however may not be suitable for those with shellfish allergies. Some ingredients are packaged in premises that handle nuts.


Disclaimer: The health benefits of our sea moss have not been medically tested or proven and are subject to opinion. This should not be taken as medical advice, you should always consult your doctor or a medical professional before taking any natural remedies. 

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